14 Dec 2020 Kamloops Storage Year in Review
It’s been an eventful year for our Kamloops storage company, and of course for people all over the world dealing with COVID-19. As the year draws to a close, we’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and hope that we can all look forward to a healthy and prosperous 2021.
We thought we’d review the monthly blog posts we published in 2020. We wrote about a variety of topics, including many self storage tips. The following are summaries of this year’s posts:
In January, we published “Kamloops Commercial Storage Resolutions: How to Get Started”
The post discusses business or office cleanup resolutions and offers some excellent tips on planning, especially for the many of who procrastinate about things like making more room in your business, by moving things to a secure self storage facility.
In February, we published “How to Pack Art for Your Kamloops Storage Unit”
The post provides a list of packing materials required and step-by-step instructions for safely packing paintings, photos and other artwork.
In March, we published “How Secure Climate Controlled Storage Can Save You Money”
Many people don’t consider the hidden benefits of using self storage. By storing items in secure, climate-controlled residential or commercial storage, you could save on insurance rates, deductibles and replacement costs resulting from theft or damage. You also increase the usable square footage of your home or office.
In April, we published “Decluttering for Kids and Teens: A Kamloops Storage Unit Save Space and Sanity”
Kids accumulate a lot of “stuff” over the years, and, some of their belongings wind up collecting dust in corners of rooms, closets, basements and the garage. This post provides helpful steps for organizing the cleanup and offers a list of items that you might consider moving to self storage.
In May, we published “A Kamloops Self Storage Unit Makes Painting Your Home Much Easier”
As most people know, painting a home you live in can be slow going and frustrating because you or painters are working amongst your belongings. Moving things to storage temporarily can make the work faster and safer and can improve the quality of the job.
In June, we published “How to Choose the Right Kamloops Storage Company”
If you Google “self storage Kamloops”, you’ll see tens of storage companies in search results. How do you choose the right one? In this post, we discuss things you should look for when choosing a storage company, including track record, storage unit sizes, convenience of hours and access, security, and climate controls.
In July, we published “When Shared Self Storage for Kamloops Housemates Makes Sense”
If you live in shared accommodations, you can save a lot of space in your shared home and even save money. The post discusses storage benefits for housemates and what items they might consider moving to storage.
In August, we published “Maximizing Space in Your Kamloops Storage Unit”
If you’ve moved things to storage, sooner or later, you’ll want to organize your self storage unit to create more space within it. The post provides some simple space saving tips.
In September, we published “Summer Gear Self Storage Tips: Prep, Pack and Move Items to Your Kamloops Storage Unit”
Summer sporting and leisure gear can take up a lot of space in your home. Find out what you can store, and how to prepare and pack for your storage unit.
In October, we wrote “5 Mistakes Kamloops Businesses Make When Packing for Commercial Storage”
Moving things from your business or offices to commercial storage has many benefits, though some businesses don’t get the most out of their storage unit. This post teaches you how to choose commercial storage in Kamloops and how to safely pack and organize items.
In November, we wrote “Why Trades Professionals Use Kamloops Storage”
Whether you are a carpenter, electrician, plumber, roofer, or other skilled trade, a self storage unit can keep expensive tools, equipment and supplies safe, and keep your home or work vehicle clutter free. Read about the advantages of storage trades professionals and the types of equipment you can store.
Questions About Storage?
If you have questions about storage unit sizes and rates, please contact the Valleyview Mini Storage team. We’re always happy to answer questions or show prospective customers around our self storage facility. We wish you all the best in 2021!