Kamloops Storage Tips

If you’re moving or want to store art in your Kamloops storage unit, the following packing tips will make sure your artwork is safe from bumps, slips and surrounding items that could damage the art, its glass or frame. Packing Materials To safely pack art for moving or for your storage unit, you’ll need the following materials: Picture packing boxes or flat cardboard Packing tape Bubble wrap Packing paper Corner guards (store bought or homemade) Acid-free paper or matboard or sleeves for flat, paper-born art Fact: Art is affected by heat, cold and high humidity. Valleyview Mini Storage has high-end temperature and humidity controls that keep artwork safe from heat, cold or moisture damage year-round. Packing Art for Your Storage Unit: Step by Step For each piece of art, use a packing box or two pieces of flat cardboard several inches larger than the artwork being packed. Place corner guards (sleeves of cardboard that...

If haven’t already made business or office clean up resolutions for 2020, our Kamloops commercial storage facility can give you the motivation and space you need to get things in order. If you’re like most business owners, you have good intentions when it comes to organizing your business or office, but never seem to find the time. The best way to get started is to…well…start. In your mind’s eye, you’re likely seeing the entire journey and all the work involved. Doing so is discouraging and may prevent you from getting started. Instead, commit to taking the first step, with a little planning before you pack that first box.

We’ve been providing storage tips and ideas monthly for many years here on our Kamloops storage facility blog, so for our last post of the year, we thought we’d summarize the posts we published in 2019. We’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! A genuine thank you to our customers for their continued loyalty. We’re grateful to have your business!

If you’ve never considered commercial storage in Kamloops to help you declutter your office or operation, there are many good reasons to do so. The longer you’re in businesses, the more you’ll understand the benefits of using a Kamloops storage facility, instead of in-business storage. Month by month, year by year, businesses accumulate equipment, furnishings, products, documents, and other business-related items.

For many businesses in Kamloops, secure commercial storage is a necessary and economical way to provide document, equipment and inventory storage options. Most businesses will eventually need storage, particularly those who have been in business for several years or more, because the longer a business is operational, the more “stuff” is accumulated. Valleyview Mini Storage provides Kamloops businesses convenient, secure, climate-controlled business storage options that can help you reclaim your office space!

Commercial storage for your Kamloops business is a must-have during renovations. A storage unit can help the renovation go smoothly and protect your furnishings and equipment from inevitable dust, debris, paint spatter and accidents. Valleyview Mini Storage has many sizes of commercial storage units available. Our storage facility is secure with card-only access, video monitoring, and is climate-controlled.