Getting the Most Out of Your Storage Unit This Winter & Christmas Season

Storing Christmas decorations in our Kamloops storage facility

Getting the Most Out of Your Storage Unit This Winter & Christmas Season

As we settle into winter and the holiday season approaches, renting a storage unit is a great way to stay organized and reduce clutter in your home this season (or any other time of year). Summer is now a distant memory, although your summer belongings may still be very present in your mind if they are cluttering up your closets, basement or garage. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the kind of seasonal items you can store and some tips that will help you keep your storage unit organized.

Before you read on, the storage elves at Valleyview Mini Storage would like to wish you, and our Kamloops storage customers, a very Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Festivus! Whatever you call your winter celebration, we hope you get your fill of food, family and festivities.

Seasonal Items for Storage

A storage unit comes in handy at the start and end of summer and winter. Below is a list of seasonal items our customers often store at Valleyview.

Summer Gear
Patio furniture, gardening tools, pool accessories, tents, sleeping bags and coolers.

Recreational Equipment
Bikes, helmets, bike maintenance tools, kayaks, water sports and boating gear.

Vehicle Items
Roof racks, bike racks, summer and winter tires.

Holiday Decorations
Christmas trees, lights and ornaments, garlands and wreaths, indoor and outdoor displays.

Winter Sports Gear
Skis, snowboards, boots, helmets, snowshoes, toboggans, jackets and snow pants.

Seasonal Tools
Leaf blowers, lawnmowers, snow shovels, bags of salt or ice-melt.

Storage Unit Organization Tips

Rotate Seasonal Items
At the end of summer, move summer gear in and take winter gear out of storage.

Clean and Dry Items Before Storing
Before you store summer and winter belongings, we recommend making sure items are clean and dry. This will combat mold and mildew which can cause damage.

Label Boxes and Storage Containers
Whether you buy labels or use a felt pen to write directly on the box, labelling boxes is the easiest way to keep track of things in storage. On the label, write a short list of things contained in the box or container.

Valleyview Mini Storage sells boxes and packing supplies on site.

Protect Your Items in Storage
Use new boxes (old boxes are often damp or weak) and use plenty of packing paper or bubble wrap to protect items in boxes. Wrap furniture or any large free-standing item in old blankets or moving blankets.

Maximize Vertical Space
Use tall utility shelving in your storage unit so you can stack boxes and bins, saving valuable floor space.

Keep Gifts a Secret
If you want to a keep presents a surprise and out of sight of curious family members, bring them to storage. Storage is secure and an excellent hiding place for larger gifts.

Rent a Storage Unit from Valleyview Mini Storage

Valleyview Mini Storage is Kamloops BC’s most trusted name in storage rentals. With over 45 different storage unit sizes available, you’ll have no trouble finding suitable storage for your needs and budget.

Our storage facility is located at 1967 East Trans Canada Highway west of Oriole Road at the Valleyview Shopping Centre. We have ample free parking and customers can access their storage unit from 7am to 7pm, seven days per week.

Receive a free quote for a storage unit rental.