08 Jan Kamloops Storage Blog: 2018 Year in Review
Before we review articles published on our Kamloops storage blog in 2018, we’d like to wish our customers a Happy New Year! We thank you for choosing Valleyview Mini Storage in 2018 and hope that 2019 brings you health and prosperity.
The following is a summary of the variety of storage related topics we wrote about in 2018.
In February, we wrote about why storing Christmas decorations and holiday trim is a good idea that saves space, hassle and headaches. We listed the benefits of a Kamloops storage unit and provided some packing tips, so you can safely store belongings.
In March, we wrote about the challenges of moving an office and how moving office clutter to a commercial storage unit before move day arrives can save you moving costs.
In early April, we addressed the storage needs of “empty nesters”. When the kids leave home, you’ll likely have things to store and may want to repurpose those empty kids’ rooms. We’ve also provided a list of ideas to help you imagine what those rooms could become as you move forward and learn to embrace your new-found freedom.
In late April, we explained how storage can reduce the stress of downsizing after a divorce or relationship breakup. Renting a Kamloops storage unit will help free up space, reduces the anxiety of having to make decisions about what to do with belongings, keeps you organized and prepares you to move into your new smaller home. The post provides a helpful list of moving and storage tips for people downsizing.
In May, we discussed how commercial storage units are a must-have for small Kamloops retailers. We explained why commercial storage facility can help increase profits by allowing you to maximize the amount of space committed to selling goods and services. We talked about how storage can be used to ensure you have ample stock close at hand without cluttering up your valuable retail space.
In June, we told you how a Kamloops storage locker can save you money when buying a home. If you move belongings that are taking up valuable space, you can purchase less square footage, use more of your home for living, and even turn a former storage space into a “mortgage helper” by renting it to students or as a short-term vacation rental.
In July, we jumped into the storage PODS (Portable On-Demand Storage) vs. Kamloops storage facility debate. While initially, a POD may seem convenient because it is dropped off at your home, convenient access, security and climate-control (weatherproofing) are issues worth understanding before you sign on the dotted line.
In August, we provided some tips for moving summer sporting gear into Kamloops storage. Seasonal gear (whether winter or summer) is used for one season then must be stored. Why clutter your home with seasonal belongings when you can move them to a storage unit? In this post, we list summer gear that makes sense to move to storage after summer is over and we provide tips for storing your belongings safely.
In October, we discussed how serious hobbyists can benefit from having a storage unit. We listed the types of hobbyists that would benefit from storage most and listed the types of things that each hobbyist might store.
In November, we wrote about the types of home-based businesses you can run with the help of a Kamloops storage facility. Home-businesses or cottage industries from e-commerce to personal services can store supplies and inventory at affordable rates. We list the types of home businesses that benefit the most from a storage unit.
In December, we told you how a Kamloops storage unit is a great holiday gift idea. There are likely people in your life who would welcome the gift of storage. Students, newlyweds, hobbyists and seniors who have recently downsized may have the greatest need.
We’re Proud to Serve Your Storage Needs in 2019
We look forward to providing our superior Kamloops storage services in 2019. Whether you need storage for your home or business, we can help. If you have questions about storage unit sizes and prices, contact us.